Sunday, October 11, 2015

Male Standards

As I read "The Women Warrior" by Kingston and "Feminism is for Everyone" by Bell Hooks, I thought about how males have to fit a certain mold just like females. Even though it is not mentioned frequently, guys are only considered "men" if they have the necessary qualities. This includes being muscular, tall, handsome, and etc. Why do guys have to endure these standards? Why is it looked down upon if a guy does cheerleading or ballerina? Why aren't guys told to embrace their bodies? These are just a few questions that popped into my head during the class discussions.

We grow up seeing male models, even toys, with chiseled faces and statue-like bodies. We are pressured into becoming an attractive, athletic being just like how Kingston had "to grow up a women warrior" (Kingston 20). I understand that this is the same case for females, but the media never focuses on the unattainable male ideals. We can't cry, show pain, or show any weakness at all unless we want to get bullied. Do the people today even realize how difficult it is for guys to act strong 24/7? Do they care about our self-esteem or emotions? I believe we can spread awareness by combining absurd female and male requirements and maybe create a new movement called "genderism". Since the "feminist movement has lost clear definitions" (Hooks 6), we can start a unique campaign by combining both male and female ideas and "share the simple yet powerful message that 'genderism' is a movement to end"(Hooks 6) unreasonable gender standards.

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