Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Budget Brunch

In light of political campaigns going on right now, I have decided to talk about a political cartoon depicting the two different parties. This drawing has both of the animals saying, "Oh, you made this?" and then promptly dumping their "food" to portray how neither one likes what the other one has created. Obviously the elephant here represents the Republican Party and the donkey represents the Democratic Party. The cartoonist has also put a sign in the middle of the table saying "budget brunch" to emphasize that both parties dislike the other's budget plan just because it was produced by their own party. However, neither of them are discarding the wine on the table as they do have a focal point that both parties agree on: to cut spending.

The main message of this drawing is that Congress is at a deadlock when it comes to making a budget plan everyone is happy with. For example, the Democrats believe the "Republicans' reckless spending plan would cost jobs and make communities less safe" (Reid) while the Republicans state that the "Democrats put government budgets before family budgets" (Democrat vs Republican Budget). This point represents the huge chasm between the two parties in Congress and their dislike with one another. They might agree on some ideas but it's overlooked completely, like the wine glass, because they are from different parties. Therefore, the cartoon is bashing both sides of the political spectrum.

The artist is asserting the need for politicians to stop hating each other because of their political party names. If this trend continues, America will not maintain its status as the #1 superpower for long.


    Interesting cartoon you chose, especially the ludicrous actions in the photo, especially how ridiculous the animals are drawn. Nice analysis about the wine!
    Jeff Guan

  2. This was a very interesting post that really helped bring me insight about my education and my future. Great job
